LPG/CNG filters



Filters in a LPG/CNG system are really important, due that they perform the essential funtion of purifying fuel before it come to primary components.

In both LPG and CNG l fatto che quando ci si riferisce a questi carburanti si faccia riferimento all’appellativo “carburanti puliti” è solo riferibile alle ridotte emissioni, mentre GPL e Metano che vengono erogati ai distributori possono essere tutt’altro che liberi da impurità.

In both LPG and CNG may be present solid – like dusts, etc. – and/or oil impurity. This mean that is essential that filters are built to stop all of them.

Neglecting regular maintenance of filters or using poor quality filters can occur not only power irregularities but also serious damage, expensive to repair, to the injectors.

LPG/CNG filters YDEA, all homologated according to ECE 67R.. and ECER 110R…, are designed to perform an effective protection for these fuel systems.

Usually is scheduled LPG/CNG filter change at each maintenance interval, both by car and fuel system manufacturers.

There are more than 180 references available for this category, divided into:

  •  Filter elements and cartridges;
  • Inline disposable filters,  for horizontal or vertical fitting;
  • Inline filters with exchangeable filter cartridge inside 
  • Oring kits  for the main items listed above.

Inline filter, as demanded by currently regulations, are all homologated accordingly ECE 67R-01.. (LPG) and ECE 110R-01.. (CNG).

Both for inline filters than main cartridges is possible to choose between two different filtering media, in order to  meet the different needs of users in terms of performance and replacement cost:

  • multilayer fiberglass filtering media, which offer the highest performances in terms of filtering efficacy and less load loss lifetime.
  • cellulose filtering media, which offer basic performances for a standard use.

Following the latest developments, to the range of traditional inline filters engineered for horizontal fitting, has been added a couple of items specifically developed to be fitted in vertical position.    They are quite different inside, in order to permit an effective ability to collect dirt and oil.

Using a filter not specifically designed for fitting in vertical position where needed can cause serious damages to the fuel system.